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March BrandPlanner Group

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Just imagine ...

You begin your day calm, yet excited about what the day will bring. You have a clear vision of the way ahead and you have your best-fit clients knocking on your door. When your head hits the pillow at the end of the night, all you can think is, “Wow. Everything is running smoothly.”

That's the power of BrandPlanner.

To have a lasting impact, your business needs to be bigger than you and what you’re selling. It needs a long-term vision, strong sense of self, and a story that moves your audience to action.

We’ve taken a wide variety of research-backed best practices and boiled them down into an easily digestible, simple process that produces a truly concrete way ahead.

Structured Process: Each week the team tackles the pre-work and then comes together for a 1-hour decision workshop.

Intimate Groups: Work alongside 2-4 business just like you.

Real Progress: Your decisions get written in stone and we determine the step by step implementation plan to bring them to life.

Solidify the foundation of your company so that you can grow and expand in new ways. We provide the way, the accountability, and hold space for your biggest dreams. You bring the burning desire, the passion, and the expertise. In the end, you'll have:

  1. An easy-to-use handbook detailing your authentic, relatable brand

  2. A concrete playbook for putting your brand into action

Our next round of BrandPlanner starts in March. Join us!


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